Sunday, July 21, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Organizations of Interest

The following is the website for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  I am a member of this organization and I feel that it has helped to keep me informed of new information concerning early childhood.  NAEYC has also provided me with needed resources and gives opportunities to build networks among colleagues.  It also offers learning and research opportunities.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) at

 The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) is an organization that is working towards quality education for all children around the world.  This organization offers global news, resources, and professional development.
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) at

 Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) offers training modules for social and emotional skills in the early childhood field.  This site appeals to me because the social and emotional skill is one of the main areas of disabilities that I work with.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) at

Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge (CONNECT) offers professional development modules for trainers and resources for learners.
Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge (CONNECT) at

Division for Early Childhood (DEC) is an international organization that specializes in early childhood with a focus on children that have special needs.  Within this organization you have research opportunities, professional development, leaders, students, and policies.  There is also a discussion forum to participate in.
Division for Early Childhood (DEC) at

Job Opportunities
A job opportunity that interests me is opening up and running an early childhood program that is all inclusive, equitable, and high quality.

·         A Master’s degree or higher in early childhood and experience

·         Knowledge of early childhood development, diversity, and be culturally enriched

·         Knowledge of rules and regulations of early childhood program

·         Strong communication and collaborative skills

Another job that is of interest is Education Coordinator for an early childhood program.

·         A Master’s degree or higher in early childhood and experience

·         Knowledge of early childhood development, diversity, and be culturally enriched

·         Knowledge of rules and regulations of early childhood program

·         Strong communication and collaborative skills

·         Four years of experience


  1. I am interested in the Association for Childhood Education International. We too often get focused on what we see everyday and the children of our own centers, but the differences we work for with these children can help change the lives of children around the world. I plan on looking at this organization and seeing ways that I can help and make a difference globally.

  2. I would also like to open my own centre at some stage, but while doing my master degree I have realised that your life has to be at such a point where you can commit completely to it. I currently have two small children and have seen that I could not provide the time they need and give the centre the times it needs. For this reason I think the skilss you have listed are wonderful, but above the taught skills and ability you also have to ensure that you can be committed to your centre 100% as the staff, parents and children will require that.

  3. Hi Luci,
    My district uses the CSEFEL model and I have found it to be very valuable. I was not familiar with CONNECT and will read more about this. Thanks for providing the resource! I think the Education Coordinator sounds like an interesting position. I admire the work you currently do for young children, and I hope that as you go forth you reach all your dreams! I also think opening your own center would be an exciting venture as you could build it from the ground up, ensuring you have all the components of an anti-biased, equitable, high quality program. Thanks for sharing, Luci!

  4. OMG!!!!!!!!!! Luci, those jobs sound fantastic and you are just the person for both of them. Where are these jobs as I am highly interested myself :) Like you, I am a member of NAEYC and will be attending their conference in Raleigh this year for my state. I love their magazine and journal articles and just overall feel very comfortable with the organization as a whole and what it stands for as an early childhood professional. Great Blog as always!

    1. Hi Michelle, I am planning to go to the conference in Raleigh as well. We should plan to meet up there. We could do dinner or something. I am going to stay at the holiday inn

  5. Luci,
    As I read the qualification you posted for running your own program, it sounded like the job was written for you! I have been a director for 16 years and wonder why I have waited so long to complete my Master's work. I feel so much more confident about my knowledge of the field and ability to provide an inclusive program to all the families that come through our doors. Your hard work to earn your Master's coupled with your experience in the field will make you an excellent candidate to run your own program - and it will be great!

  6. Hi Luci

    You offered some great resources. I think that all educators should be a member of an organization such a the NAEYC. I had never heard of the CONNECT but will read more and will use a resource tool. I hope and pray that you open your own center and get the job as an Education Coordinator. I have a very close friend who works as an Education Coordinator and if you need any assistance just send me a note to my email. Good Luck and Best Wishes, Luci.

  7. Hi Luci

    I took time to look at the site for the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) because you said that it offers training modules for social and emotional skills in the early childhood field. This site also appealed to me because social and emotional skills are part of a child's experience with autism. Although the modules are fairly standardized it was unfortunate to see that most had not been updated since 2003 or 2006. There definitely is some good information on the site though on functional analysis and behavior support plans. Thanks for sharing.


    Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) (n.d.). Retrieved from

  8. Hi Luci,
    Thank you for sharing information on these organizations. Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge (CONNECT) is an organization I had not explored. It was interesting to find out that they have a module on Family-Professional Partnership, which is the topic for my capstone. Thanks once again for sharing. Good luck on your endeavor to being an education coordinator.

  9. You mentioned some great resources in your post. I was really interested in the Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. I am currently training my staff on our Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) and social emotional is one that makes so much sense to me, but is hard for me to explain. Thank you for offering this resource. CONNECT was also very intriguing to me. I am looking into becoming a trainer and I enjoy looking at sites that offer trainings. Quality care is something we continuously strive for and these resources have offered me great ways to offer quality care.
