I find that I communicate differently within different contexts and with different people. The way I communicate with my children differs from how I communicate with my husband, and I communicate differently with my extended family. I communicate differently with my colleagues at school than I do when we are away from work. My friends are communicated with differently than all the rest. All of the above people have different cultures and I communicate with them in different contexts. There are professional, social, and just play contexts that I communicate within. I am very professional within a professional context with my colleagues and during other times I am less professional.
My nonverbal communication is what I really have to watch when communicating or attempting to communicate. I think that my nonverbal language is used more often than my verbal communication. However I am working on improving my nonverbal communication.
The things that I learned this week that will help me in my communication are the Platinum Rule, as it would be beneficial to me if I worked on looking beyond myself and taking in what others are feeling. I also need to work on my tone of voice and my nonverbal communication skills.
I am learning a lot about my communication skills and what I need to do to help improve these skills.