Sunday, June 23, 2013

Week 8---Reflecting and Moving Forward

            The one hope that I have is that all people will respect that “we are all the same; we are all different” (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2012, p. 67).  With looking beyond this country I can see that there is a lot of children that need support in order to live, thrive, survive and become the best that they can be.  My hope is that all early childhood professionals will remember what Julia Olsen Edwards said that we take two steps forward and one step backwards (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011).  This is a big challenge for me as I tend to give up if I do not see progress.  If I keep in mind that the one step headway that I gained is just a small start; however, if we are all making that one step headway then we have made progress towards a better future a better tomorrow.  All children deserve a better tomorrow.  So the ultimate hope for the future of our children is that we do not give up on the tiny progress that we have made.  Dr. Olsen Edwards said that it is a long hard journey (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011) and during this journey we will have to be brave and help each other.

            With this being said I would like to thank each and every one of my colleagues.  You have helped be begin this long hard journey.  I am here for you as you travel on this challenging journey.  I hope that we can celebrate each step forward and help each other when challenging issues arise.  Thank you again for your support throughout this educational experience and the beginning of the anti-bias journey.  Looking forward to hearing about your accomplishments and I am here if I can help you through the issues that arise in your journey.


Thank you,




Derman-Sparks, L. & Edwards, J. (2012). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). EDUC 6358-1 Strategies for Working with the Diverse Child [Webcast]. Your commitment to anti-bias work. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from


  1. Luci,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts throughout this course. It is important to celebrate the small victories and to share our successes with one another as well. Good luck in the next course.

  2. Hi Luci, it has been great to be with you in class and I have learned a lot about you through your posts. I admire your commitment to becoming a true anti-bias educator. I wish you the best in your career and I know the children would find you a loving and caring teacher. We are all in the early childhood family because we have shared values and beliefs about our children ,who knows we may meet in some conferences to share more on the visions of anti-bias education.

  3. Luci,

    So the end is near and our journey leaves us to the last eight weeks....your post have always been inspiring and your passion true to the core values of anti-bias education. Even though, our job may not always result in immediate satisfaction or improvement in time one mind change or viewing the world differently will make all the difference in our small steps. God Bless my friend!

  4. Lucinda,
    I think your blog was wonderful as usual! I totally agree that if people would just realize that we are the "same", we are all "different" and respect that we would all be in a much better state. Thanks so much for sharing everything that you have these past eight weeks, I have learned much! Good luck on your journey and continue doing what you are doing!

  5. Hello Luci,

    I really loved your statement, All children deserve a better tomorrow! This has truth written ALL over it, and a lot of teachers need to have this as one of their underlining goals when they teacher. I also agree with your statement saying we all have to brave and help each other. Thanks for sharing, I pray your able to achieve all of your goals that you have set up for yourself.
