Friday, September 21, 2012

Research Studies

            The research that I would study if I had no limitations or restrictions would be: What skills do young children need to be successful when entering public school?  School readiness skills are very important for young children to be successful throughout their education and life. As years go by I am seeing more and more expectations on young children and most of it is not developmentally appropriate, and I feel that we need to know where young children should be developmentally to be successful.  My goal would be to study developmental skills starting in infants and setting standards that build up to replace the standards that start at third grade and goes down.  We need to start at the beginning and move forward in what we expect of young children.  We need to teach them to be life-long learners and that will not happen if our expectations for them are out of their reach.


  1. Luci,

    I love your research! I think we should get together when we finish and go before congress for universal preschool the research would be overwhelming with the results we would have to benefit young children. The research out there already is enough to implement a universal program but, they are still not listening. We need to change that with new research. Great topic and I always new great minds think alike!

  2. Hi Lucinda,
    I love the topic, because as educators and as myself being aparent a child can never be to ready for school. The question also is what can we research to teach our prents to prepare our young children for school.
